Saturday, February 12, 2011

Vapor Intrusion Proposed For Superfund Hazard Ranking System

U.S. EPA is proposing to amend the ranking system used to assess potential “Superfund” sites to include potential vapor intrusion. The Hazard Ranking System (HRS), required by the Superfund statute, is the primary mechanism used by EPA to assess the relative threat associated with actual or potential releases of hazardous substances. Sites that score 28.50 or greater under the HRS are eligible for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL). The NPL is intended primarily to guide the EPA in determining which sites warrant further investigation. A score of 28.50 does not represent a specified level of risk but is a cutoff point that serves as a screening-level indicator of the highest priority releases or threatened releases.

The HRS includes four scoring pathways - ground water, surface water, air and soil exposure. Additional pathways have been identified by EPA as posing significant threats to human health and the environment, and one such pathway is vapor intrusion. Vapor intrusion occurs when contaminants enter into indoor spaces, generally residences, from environmental sources such as contaminated ground water or contaminated soil.

Historically, EPA's Superfund program has responded to vapor intrusion contamination by two mechanisms: (1) through its emergency response program at sites not on the NPL, or (2) through sites placed on the NPL because of other pathway-related risks. In May 2010, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) issued a report that concluded that if vapor intrusion sites are not assessed and, if needed, listed on the NPL, some seriously contaminated hazardous waste sites with unacceptable human exposure may not otherwise be cleaned up. In response, EPA is proposing to add a new HRS pathway so that sites with vapor intrusion contamination can be evaluated for inclusion on the NPL.

EPA initiated rulemaking in January 2011, and current expects final rules to be completed by January 2012.

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in California to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

SWPPP Developer - SWPPP Practitioner Requirements In Draft Industrial Permit

On January 28, 2011, the California State Water Resources Control Board released its draft General Permit for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities. The draft NPDES permit proposes several changes from the existing California General Permit. One of the important changes will be especially significant for facilities that have in the past prepared their own stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP). Under the proposed permit, all dischargers will need to appoint a Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) to prepare, write, and make any revisions to the SWPPP, and appoint a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) to help implement the SWPPP.

The minimum requirements to become a certified Qualified SWPPP Developer includes have one of the following registrations for certifications, and appropriate experience, as required for:

  • California registered professional civil engineer;
  • California registered professional geologist or engineering geologist;
  • California registered landscape architect;
  • Professional hydrologist registered through the American Institute of Hydrology;

In addition, the QSD must successfully complete the State Water Board-sponsored or approved QSD training course within one year after the effective date of this General Permit.

The minimum requirement to become a certified Qualified SWPPP Practitioner is to successfully completes the State Water Board-sponsored or approved QSP training course within one year from the effective date of the General Permit.

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in California to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at or Caltha LLP Website

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Corrective Action Level Triggers and Numeric Effluent Limits In Draft Industrial Storm Water Permit

On January 28, 2011, the California State Water Resources Control Board proposed a draft industrial stormwater discharge general permit. The draft General Permit amends a number of the existing requirements for permitted facilities and adds some new requirements.

One of the more significant changes to the California General NPDES Permit is the incorporation of quantitative Action Levels and Effluent Limits which could apply to any discharger. In 2006, the State Water Board convened a blue ribbon panel of storm water experts that submitted a report entitled, “The Feasibility of Numeric Effluent Limits Applicable to Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Municipal, Industrial and Construction Activities,”. The panel concluded that numeric limits or action levels are technically feasible to control industrial storm water discharges, provided that certain conditions are considered. The draft permit incorporates two types of quantitiative action levels/limits:

Numeric Action Levels (NALs) are derived from the US EPA Multi-Sector General Permit’s benchmarks, and are used as numeric thresholds for corrective action. Exceedances of an NAL are not a violation of the permit; however, exceedance of specific NAL Corrective Action Triggers requires the facility to enter into Level 1 Corrective Action.

[More information on US EPA benchmarks, and comparison to historic industrial sector monitoring results]

Numeric Effluent Limits (NELs) are could also apply to any facility. Dischargers in Corrective Action Level 3 (see below) are subject to a numeric effluent limitation (NEL) that will be the same value as the applicable pollutant NAL. A daily average exceedance of the NEL is a violation of the General Permit and may subject the discharger to mandatory minimum penalties.

NAL Corrective Action Triggers are defined in the draft general permit as follows:
1. The Daily Average (DA) for any one constituent exceeds the NAL value for two or more storm events of a reporting year, or;
2. The DA for any two constituents exceed the NAL values for any single storm event within a reporting year, or;
3. The concentration for any one constituent exceeds 2.5 times the NAL value for any one individual or allowable combined sample (or is more than one pH unit outside the NAL pH range)

In the event that any of the NAL Corrective Action Triggers are met, the facility will need to complete Level 1 Corrective Actions. The need to do further corrective actions will depend on subsequent monitoring results.

Level 1 - Operational Source Control Corrective Actions
Upon the first occurrence meeting any of the NAL corrective action triggers, the discharger will be required to valuate areas of the facility to identify where additional operational source control BMPs and/or SWPPP implementation measures are necessary to prevent or reduce pollutants in storm water discharges in compliance with BAT/BCT. Based upon the facility evaluation, the facility will certify that the pollutant source(s) have been identified and 1) additional operational source control BMPs and/or SWPPP implementation measures have been included in the SWPPP , 2) no additional operational source control BMPs or SWPPP implementation measures are required , or 3) pollutant source(s) causing the exceedance are not related to the facility’s industrial activities. A Level 1 NAL Exceedance Evaluation Report will need to be prepared and submitted.
Level 2 Structural and/or Treatment Corrective Actions
If in any subsequent reporting year the sampling results meet an NAL corrective action trigger, the discharger is require to take addition action. If the NAL corrective action trigger is for a constituent that had not been included in a previous Level 1 NAL Exceedance Evaluation Report, the discharger go through Level 1 Corrective Actions.
If the NAL corrective action trigger is for one or more of the constituents previously addressed in a Level 1 NAL Exceedance Evaluation Report, the discharger would need to evaluate and select additional structural source control BMPs and/or treatment BMPs with the goal of achieving the applicable NAL value(s) in future discharges. A Level 2 NAL Exceedance Evaluation Report will need to be prepared and submitted and more frequent monitoring is required.
Level 3 Imposition of Numeric Effluent Limits
If in any subsequent reporting year the sampling results meet an NAL corrective action trigger for the same constituents subject to the Level 2 corrective actions, the discharger shall the applicable NAL(s) will become an NEL(s), and starting October 1 of the following compliance year, the discharger will be required to sample every qualifying storm event.

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in California to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at

or Caltha LLP Website